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History BA < Temple University

Overview. Using rigorous standards of evidence, historians tell meaningful stories about the past. In-depth historical study gives students important tools for understanding contemporary issues affecting their own lives as well as local, national and global events.

Urgent and Emergency Care - Kornberg School of Dentistry

Dental Care with a Smile TM. Dental emergencies are urgent dental conditions, associated with the teeth, gums and jaws, which require more immediate attention.

Chemistry MS - Temple University

Master of Science in Chemistry. Prepare for a career in research or advanced graduate studies with the Master of Science in Chemistry in the College of Science and Technology at Temple. This master's degree is interdisciplinary and flexible, designed to develop your expertise in one of five chemical disciplines.

The Executive DBA - Fox School of Business

As a business executive in global human resources and talent management, and a graduate alumnus of the Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (EDBA) at the Fox School of Business at Temple University, I can say with certainty that achieving the EDBA has been a milestone and considerably beneficial to my career.

Celeste Winston | Temple University College of Liberal Arts

Expertise. Black Geographies; Black Feminism; Racial Capitalism; Carceral Geographies; Police Abolition; Marronage; Migrant Diasporas; Critical GIS

Actuarial Science - Fox School of Business

Pursue Your Career as an Actuary. Pursue your career as an actuary with the help of the Master of Science in Actuarial Science at the Fox School of Business.

Campus & Facilities - Klein College of Media and Communication

Campus and Facilities. Temple’s Main Campus is located in the heart of Philadelphia, the fourth-largest media market in the U.S. Klein College holds a key space on Main Campus and is home to some of Temple’s most unique and informative hands-on learning experiences, including a student-run television station, a record label and a local news website.

Declaration of Major and/or Concentration < Temple University

Effective Fall 2021, when students declare a required or optional concentration in a term after declaring their major, the catalog term and requirements associated with the concentration will match the catalog year of the major if the concentration was active during that catalog year.

David J. Wilk - Fox School of Business

Number. Name. Level. FIN 3509. Real Estate Investment and Finance. Undergraduate. FIN 3525. Real Estate Development. Undergraduate. FIN 4597. Seminar in Real Estate Asset Analysis

Research Scholar vs. Short-term Scholar | Temple University ...

It is important to understand the difference between Research Scholar and Short Term Scholar.These are two of several "categories" of the J visa status. They are US Department of State terms and have nothing to do with Temple's job title of "Visiting Research Scholar".