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The J Exchange Visitor Two Year Home Residency Requirement

The Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual advises that after DOS renders a favorable 212(e) waiver recommendation and forwards that recommendation to DHS, "an exchange visitor is no longer eligible for an extension of program beyond the end date shown on the current Form DS-2019 even though they may not have completed the maximum duration of participation permitted for the category."

Academic Calendar - Temple Law

2024-2025 Academic Calendar (Philadelphia Campus) Fall Semester 2024* Date Activity August 5 – 30 Schedule Revision/Registration [“Drop/Add”] August 12-23 Orientation for International LL.M. Students August…

Economics BA < Temple University

Overview. The Bachelor of Arts in Economics, offered by the Department of Economics, teaches students the economic approach to social problems and behavior and helps students understand the economics behind current events and public policy. It is excellent preparation for careers in law and business. Campus Locations: Main and Japan Program Code: LA-ECON-BA

Aaron Smith | Temple University College of Liberal Arts

Expertise. Aaron Smith, Africology, Professor, African American Studies, Temple University. It wasn’t long ago that Dr. Aaron X Smith was a student at Temple University’s North Philadelphia main campus merely grateful for an opportunity at higher education.

John Erik Hmiel | Temple University College of Liberal Arts

Expertise. Intellectual History, History of Modern Philosophy, History of the Human Sciences, Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. Biography. I am an intellectual historian of the modern United States, and my research sits at the intersection of the history of modern philosophy, the history of the human sciences, and art history, broadly conceived.

Risk, Actuarial Science, and Legal Studies - Fox School of Business

Based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for compliance professionals will include through 2024. The curricula of Risk, Actuarial Science, and Legal Studies harmonize with market trends and focus on the intersection of risk management strategy and corporate compliance.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Certificate (Graduate)

Dr. Mehran Hossaini is the chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and Surgery at Temple University's Kornberg School of Dentistry. Phone: 215-707-6294 Email:

TUFCCC/HC Cancer Health Disparity Partnership

Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine Medical Education & Research Building 3500 N. Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 United States

Centers and Programs | Klein College of Media and Communication | Klein ...

Youth Dialogue Institute. Based in Klein’s Department of Communication and Social Influence, the Youth Dialogue Institute is a conflict education project that aims to empower young people to develop and facilitate meaningful conversations about conflict and community needs using various social media platforms.. In collaboration with the School District of Philadelphia and the Conflict ...

Robert Kaufman | Temple University College of Liberal Arts

Professor Emeritus. Kaufman.jpg. Download CV (123.17 KB) 760 Gladfelter Hall 1115 Polett Walk Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19122 Expertise Social stratification, Race-ethnic and gender inequality in labor markets, Race/ethnic differences in wealth, Quantitative methods and statistics