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Dental 3+4 Program - Temple University

Guidelines for Completion of the Bachelor of Arts Degree in the College of Science & Technology. College of Science and Technology students may count up to 33 equivalent credit hours from the first year at the School of Dentistry as equivalents of upper-level or overall total credits within the College of Science and Technology (CST), the College of Liberal Arts (CLA), and/or the College of ...

In-Sue Oh - Fox School of Business

Biography. Dr. In-Sue Oh (PhD, Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa) is the Charles E. Beury Professor in the Department of Management at the Fox School of Business, Temple University.

Career Counseling Appointments - Temple University Beasley School of Law

Temple students come from a wide variety of backgrounds, each with their own unique experiences and qualifications. Accordingly, Career Services counselors are available to schedule one-on-one counseling sessions with students.

Strategic Marketing and Communications | Temple University

Name. Title. Phone. Email. Angela Polec. Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Communications. 215-204-7830. Andrea Gaudini. Interim ...

Dual Bachelor's Master's Degree (DBMD) - Global Programs

The Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Degree (DBMD) program provides benefits to Temple University's international partner university students and alumni.. For those applying in their third year of undergraduate study, DBMD offers an accelerated 3+2 dual-degree program to earn your bachelor’s from your home university and your master’s degree from Temple.

Facilities Management BS < Temple University

1 . Although not required, freshman students registered for ARCH 1011 should also take ARCH 1502.. 2 . If ECE 2142 is selected, students will need two GenEd Science and Technology (GS) courses to satisfy the GenEd requirement.. 3 . Option to take ARCH 2123 / ARCH 2153 instead of ARCH 2121 for BS in Facilities Management.. 4 . Option to take ARCH 2124 / ARCH 2154 instead of ARCH 2122 for BS in ...

Art Education BSEd < Temple University

Overview. The Bachelor of Science in Education in Art Education, offered by the Department of Art Education and Community Arts Practices, is one of two pathways at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture to earning art teaching certification in Pennsylvania and becoming a teaching artist.Students may also become certified teachers through the Bachelor of Fine Arts in any studio arts major ...

Erin K. Coyle - Klein College of Media and Communication

Biography. Erin Coyle became interested in researching press freedom, access issues and privacy when she worked as a journalist. She uses legal and historical research methods to examine freedom of expression, access to government information and officials, privacy rights and fair trial rights.

Duncan B. Hollis - Temple University Beasley School of Law

Publications and Media Appearances SSRN Leadership. Member, American Law Institute; Selected Conferences. Lecturer, Treaties and Non-Legally Binding Instruments – Status and Treatment in International and Domestic Law, United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Seminar Series, Virtual Discussion, May 2023 Panelist, Enforcement Challenges in Cyberspace, Symposium on ...

Registering for Courses (RAQA) - School of Pharmacy

Temple University Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance 425 Commerce Drive, Suite 175 Fort Washington, PA 19034 USA