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Teaching Philosophy | Structural Geology and Geomechanics - Sites

Overview. My teaching role has primarily focused on general education, intermediate and advanced undergraduate and graduate level Earth Science classwork, as well as engaging undergraduates in research within my lab.

Geography and Urban Studies (GUS) < Temple University

Cities are a study in contrast - both a source of opportunity and a place where great wealth and poverty coincide. U.S. cities face enormous challenges as globalization has sparked a new era of urban innovation, yet has also intensified inequality and spurred new technologies of social control.

COVID-19 and restaurant demand: Early effects of the pandemic and stay ...

In the hospitality literature, scholars have explored numerous factors associated with restaurant demand, such as food quality (Namkung and Jang, 2007), price (Kwun and Oh, 2004), location

Master's Programs - College of Education and Human Development

Teacher Certification Programs. Looking to obtain certification from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)? Learn more about College of Education and Human Development programs that prepare students to apply for an initial teaching certification.

Degree Programs - Temple University

Refine by School or College Temple University has 17 schools and colleges that offer an abundance of courses and majors to inspire and challenge you.


ii Abstract SonicFill™ is a new composite resin and delivery system designed to provide rapid filling of cavity preparations by decreasing viscosity through application of sonic energy.

Michelle Andrews, Xueming Luo, Zheng Fang, & Jaakko Aspara Cause ...

the one hand, some discounts may have positive interactive effects with CM donations by licensing and reinforcing consumers’ charitable motivation to participate in a good

Crystal L. Austin - College of Education and Human Development

Biography. Crystal L. Austin, PhD, LP, is an assistant professor of instruction in the Temple University College of Education and Human Development.

For undergraduates | Department of Biology | Temple University College ...

Biology is the study of the principles governing living organisms, and spans a continuum of organization from molecules and cells to individuals and ecosystems. The field involves a wide range of sub-specialties, including molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, neurobiology, ecology and others with many intellectual links between them.

Foreign Aid and Development in the of its colonial past. Democratic ...

Foreign Aid and Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: An Analysis of International Barriers to Development Anna N. Smith