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Faculty Directory | Temple University Rome Campus

Center for Academic Success & Career Opportunity (CASCO) Coordinator. Adult Study Abroad Coordinator. English

Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior and Plasticity BS

The curriculum is customizable and flexible to ensure students get a well-rounded academic experience to prepare for graduate school, professional school (e.g., medical school, occupational therapy school, etc.), and entering the workforce.

Academic Course Load - Temple University

Academic overloads (19 or more semester hours) during fall and spring semesters need special approval of the dean or dean's designee of the school or college in which a student is matriculated. Tuition for full-time students covers 12 to 18 hours.

Chemistry BA - Temple University

Overview. The Department of Chemistry is one of the oldest departments in the university and has a long record of preparing students for careers in science. Since a significant portion of America's chemical industry is centered in the Philadelphia region, there is a wide range of career opportunities locally available.

Jane Manners - Temple Law

Jane Manners is a legal historian who teaches Torts, Legislation, and a seminar on American legal history. She has written on the development of congressional petitioning, early American understandings of the president’s war powers, and the evolution of laws governing officer removal.

Business Research MS < Temple University

Although the applicant’s test score is an important factor in the admissions process, other factors, such as the ability to conduct research as demonstrated by academic research publications and whether your indicated research interests match with those of our faculty, are also taken into consideration.

Mechanical Engineering MSME - Temple University

1 . Coursework may include up to, but no more than, 3 credits of ENGR 9182 Independent Study I or 3 credits of MEE 9991 Directed Research.. Furthermore, students who wish to take graduate coursework outside the College of Engineering in one of Temple University’s other schools or colleges need to obtain the appropriate written approvals on their Plan of Study form.

General Program AA < Temple University

Overview. The Associate in Arts in General Program is awarded by the College of Liberal Arts and is available only at Temple University, Japan Campus. Students should check the Requirements tab for specific details or contact the TUJ Academic Advising Center.. Campus Location: Japan Program Code: LA-GENP-AA Contact Information. Kazuyo Kubo, PhD, Chair of the Division of Liberal Arts kazuyo ...

Chinese BA - Temple University

See an academic advisor for assistance in developing an academic plan for these courses. Major Requirements: Ten courses in Chinese (30 credits) The Chinese major is 10 courses/30 credits after the prerequisites of CHI 1001 , CHI 1002 , CHI 2001 , and CHI 2002 (or equivalent in transfer or experience) with a minimum grade of C- or equivalent ...

Classics BA with Classical Languages and Literature Concentration

These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.. Summary of Degree Requirements