Podiatry. Assistant Clinical Professor Department of Medicine. Assistant Dean and Medical Director TUSPM Foot and Ankle Institute
What is the definition of Pennsylvania Residency? Under Pennsylvania state law, a student is classified either as a resident or a nonresident of Pennsylvania.The term "Pennsylvania resident" for tuition purposes may differ from other definitions of Pennsylvania residency.
Office. Phone. General Information. 215-707-2900. Admissions and Appointments. 215-707-2900. Advanced Education in General Dentistry. 215-707-3895. Business Office
The Temple Finance Association (TFA) is the Fox School of Business’s sole finance organization. TFA allows students to form meaningful connections with current members, professors, and the Fox School’s robust alumni network and prepares them for internships and employment opportunities following graduation.
Program Requirements. General Program Requirements: Number of Credits Required to Earn the Degree: 68, including 56 required credits and 12 practicum credits for the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care (AGPC) concentration and for the Family-Individual Across the Lifespan (FIAL) concentration Required Courses for DNP, Family-Individual Across the Lifespan Concentration (Full-Time)
TUSPM offers valuable opportunities for hands-on learning. Undergraduate students can participate in either the Winter Internship Program (WIP) or the Summer Internship Program (SIP).
High-Energy Nuclear Collider Physics — Quantum Chromodynamics — Electro-Weak Physics — Development of Novel Particle Physics Detectors / EIC
Overview. Offered by the Department of Management Information Systems, the Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems (MIS) produces digital leaders who design, architect, and manage API-driven products. These products apply APIs, cloud, cyber-security, agile, user experience, and analytics to achieve business outcomes. MIS prepares students to:
Biography. Dr. Yue Qiu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance. He received his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Minnesota, a Master of Science degree in Economics from Arizona State University, and a BA in Finance and a BS in Mathematics from Renmin University of China.
Featured. Wang, Y., Qin, M.S., Luo, X., & Kou, Y.E. (2022).Rejoinder: Heterogeneous Impact of Brands’ Support for Black Lives Matter on Consumer Responses ...