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Advanced Biotherapeutics: Manufacturing and Regulatory Affairs MS

Program Format & Curriculum Each university will offer its own MS degree comprised of 36 credits. Students will have the choice of receiving the MS in Advanced Biotherapeutics: Manufacturing and Regulatory Affairs from either Temple University or Thomas Jefferson University, depending upon their area of interest.

Caterina Roman | Temple University College of Liberal Arts

Expertise. Violence, Gangs, Active Living and Crime, Neighborhoods, Social Network Analysis, Prisoner Reentry, Program Evaluation. Biography. Caterina Roman joined the faculty in the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University in Fall 2008 after nearly two decades with the Urban Institute in Washington, DC. Dr. Roman has extensive experience studying the social ecology of neighborhoods ...

Temple researchers discover 35 new species of lizards on Caribbean ...

A new scientific study from Temple University's College of Science and Technology (CST) has identified 35 new species of forest lizards, all from islands in the Caribbean

CLA Psychology PhD Admissions | Temple University

To apply, submit Temple’s online graduate application along with an application fee of $60. Applicants must have completed their bachelor’s degree. A degree in a related field is preferred; however, all applications will be considered. Candidates will be asked to submit the following along with their application.


iii ABSTRACT The disparity in hierarchical achievement between African American (black) and Caucasian (white) professionals is a known issue in corporate America.

Temple Faculty Physicians (TFP)

Claire Raab President and Chief Executive Officer Temple Faculty Physicians 215-707-1348 [click-for-email] Tracey Clark Chief Revenue Cycle Officer

Bar Exam Information - Temple Law

Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners 601 Commonwealth Ave., Suite 3600 P.O. Box 62535 Harrisburg, PA 17106-2535 (717) 231-3350 New Jersey Board of Bar Examiners

Architecture Major - Temple University

Bachelor of Science in Architecture Launch your career in architecture through the Bachelor of Science in Architecture in Temple University’s Tyler School of Art and Architecture.. Graduates of this 123-credit, professionally accredited undergraduate program receive a pre-professional degree, qualifying them for paid internships in the architectural field or admission to a Master of ...

The Western Pennsylvania Disability History and Action Consortium

An online survey of organizations and individuals throughout Western Pennsylvania, launched in 2016, has resulted in more than 100 leads on potential collections and requests for preservation guidance. In addition to the ongoing survey (available on our website and in our newsletter), we hear informally from members of the disability community ...

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Education: Developing a National Program for ... - Sites

By Emily Harris (read PDF version). I. Introduction. Currently, numerous states around the country are proposing and passing legislation commonly referred to as “Don’t Say Gay/Trans” bills. These bills often restrict kindergarten through twelfth grade school curriculum, prohibit the discussion of LGBTQ+ topics in the classroom, and mandate that a school notify parents if a student is ...