LEW KLEIN COLLEGE OF MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION. Learn more about the Doctor of Philosophy in Media and Communication.. About the Program. The PhD in Media and Communication offers a comprehensive curriculum in communication theory and research designed to provide advanced students with the breadth and depth of knowledge needed to make significant contributions in the academic and professional ...
Recent. Castonguay, J. Sugar and Sports: Age Differences in Children's Responses to a High Sugar Cereal Advertisement Portraying Physical Activities.COMMUNICATION RESEARCH, 46(5), 579-596. 10.1177/0093650215587357. Hardy, B.W. & Castonguay, J. The moderating role of age in the relationship between social media use and mental well-being: An analysis of the 2016 General Social Survey.
Andrew Iliadis is an Associate Professor at Temple University in the Department of Media Studies and Production (within the Klein College of Media and Communication) and serves on the faculties of the Media and Communication Doctoral Program, Cultural Analytics Graduate Certificate Program, and Science, Technology, and Society Network.
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Adult and Organizational Development. Develop the theoretical knowledge and research methodology to discover or create new protocols or support systems that help adults, teams, and organizations develop constructive processes for addressing conflict and adapting to change.
BIPOC Leadership Series (Online) Data Analytics Bootcamp: Python; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Building Basic Competency; Strike the Balance: Integrating Business, Compliance & Ethics; Women’s Leadership Series; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Building Basic Competency (Online) Women’s Leadership Series (Online) LGBTQ+ Leadership ...
Expertise. Developmental Psychopathology, Conduct Problems, Comorbidity. Biography. Dr. Drabick is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Temple University.
Financial Aid in TUportal. Federal regulations require that a student’s total annual student financial aid, including loans and work-study, not exceed a student’s annual cost of attendance.
During our Hurricane Ida remembrance programs on September 1, visitors were invited to experience the healing power of nature — even as nature is continuing to heal — by joining Ambler Arboretum Director Kathleen Salisbury and certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide Ryan Benz for a guided Nature & Forest Therapy Experience.
For our North Broad and Allegheny location, please call 215-707-2863 and for our William D. Kelley Public School location, please call 215-707-0231 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, to schedule an appointment. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. For Sedation Center assistance, please call 215-707-9400.