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Corporate Compliance and Regulatory Policy Minor

Overview. Offered by Department of Risk, Actuarial Science, and Legal Studies, the Minor in Corporate Compliance and Regulatory Policy is open to all students. The minor is designed to expose students to a practical law-related field in which they can use their legal training with or without a graduate degree and in which they can find professional opportunities in numerous industries.

Quantitative Finance and Risk Management MS - Temple University

Master of Science in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management. Develop expertise in the quantitative modeling and risk management principles and best industry practices driving the financial services industry today with the Master of Science in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management in Temple’s Fox School of Business.This 30-credit master’s degree program is the only program of its kind ...

Course Descriptions < Temple University

Course information contained within the Bulletin is accurate at the time of publication in July 2024 but is subject to change. For the most up-to-date course information, please refer to the Course Catalog.

Business Research and Management MS < Temple University

About the Program. This program is not open for direct admission.The Master of Science in Business Research and Management is awarded to a student enrolled in the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Executive program who successfully completes 30 credits of required coursework but chooses to not continue in the PhD program.

Accountancy MAcc - Temple University

Master of Accountancy. Prepare to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with a Master of Accountancy (MAcc) from Temple University’s Fox School of Business.This accredited program, designed for individuals seeking CPA designation, can be completed in either three semesters for full-time students or six semesters (two calendar years) for part-time students.

ENG Bioengineering BS Required Courses | Temple University

Bioengineering students select from one of three concentrations: Cellular Engineering, Engineering Devices and Pre-health. The curriculum for each comprises department and major requirements, GenEd requirements, electives and courses specific to the concentration.

Yujie Ma - Fox School of Business

Yujie Ma joined the PhD program in accounting at the Fox School of Business in Fall 2022. Her primary research interests include auditing, financial accounting, and capital markets.

Mark Franko | Temple University Boyer College of Music and Dance

Biography. MPhil and PhD, French and romance philology, Columbia University; MA, French and romance philology, Columbia University; BA, French literature, City College of New York

Directions & Parking - Temple Law

Temple Law School Campus Map. Addresses Klein Hall. If you use MapQuest, Google Maps, or GPS application for directions to Temple Law, you should use the address: 1719 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19122. Barrack Hall

Vishesh Karwa - Fox School of Business

Biography. Dr. Vishesh Karwa is an Assistant Professor of Statistical Science. He joins the Fox School from The Ohio State University, where he served in the Department of Statistics.