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Take classes at convenient times with multiple online options to maximize your academic growth while balancing the rest of your life. Use a summer session to delve into a challenging course without interruption or get ahead in your coursework outside the regular semester’s constraints.
For applicants, the Residency Match process begins in the fall during the final year of medical school, when students apply to the residency programs of their choice. Throughout the fall and early winter, applicants interview with the programs. As has been the case since 2021, because of the pandemic, the interviews were conducted entirely online.
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The School of Social Work offers lifelong learning through our Continuing Education Program. Our courses are taught by Temple’s renowned social work faculty members and other recognized practitioners and leaders in the field, with an emphasis on continuing our commitment to social transformation at the individual, family, organizational and community levels.
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Kimmika Williams-Witherspoon, an associate professor of theater studies and playwriting at the School of Theater, Film and Media Arts, talks about the impact protests against racism and police brutality have had on her art.
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