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Urban Education | Temple University College of Education and Human ...

The Urban Education program at Temple University aims to create networks of civically minded researchers and practitioners who have the skills and knowledge to increase educational opportunities for urban students and communities.

The Facebook whistleblower’s testimony, explained | Temple Now

Since Facebook exploded on to the social media scene back in the early aughts, it has seen exponential growth. The company has gone from a small startup operated in a college dorm room by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive, to becoming a major conglomerate that’s often criticized for violating user’s privacy, political manipulation and mass surveillance.

Metals, Jewelry, CAD-CAM MFA | Temple University

Master of Fine Arts in Metals, Jewelry, CAD-CAM. Perfect your creative practice and prepare for careers in design and craft with the STEM-designated Master of Fine Arts in Metals, Jewelry, CAD-CAM in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University.This two-year, research-based, 60-credit graduate program offers students a leading-edge space to learn time-honored techniques and ...

Untangling the controversy around critical race theory

In the past few months, critical race theory (CRT) has shot to the forefront of public discourse in the U.S., appearing in countless headlines and sparking intense debates across the country about its significance and use.

Temple Mathematics - Temple University

The Conference. This one-day meeting will start at 10am to allow same-day travel. It will be held in Room 617 Wachman Hall, Temple University, 1805 North Broad Street, just north of Montgomery Avenue. It is an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present their research, and to meet other researchers.

What do you meme you can get sued for that social post?

Donald Harris, a Temple professor and expert on intellectual property law, explains everything you need to know about protecting yourself from lawsuits for sharing a meme.

Scholarships - Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses

Temple University Education Abroad and Overseas Campuses 200 Tuttleman Learning Center 1809 N 13th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122

Associate in Science in Science for Health Professions at Delaware ...

• Click on “Apply Online” • Create an account • Once your account is created, select “Transfer” then “Health Information Mgt.” 2 Fall admissions only. Completed applications are due by: February 15th. Applications received past this ...

Physician Assistant Program | Lewis Katz School of Medicine | Lewis ...

Rationale: The delivery of quality patient care in the modern world requires a high degree of collaboration. Outcomes measured: a. 100% of students will participate in IPE training throughout both years of the curriculum with teams made up of medical, pharmacy, physical therapy, dentistry, and nursing students.

Course Selection and Registration - Temple Law

Students register for classes through an online system called Self Service Banner, accessible through TUPortal. Students are given information and instruction regarding the registration process prior to the registration period for each semester.