APA PsycINFO and PubMed are very large databases covering a fixed number of published sources, mainly from peer reviewed publications. Google Scholar is a search engine with potentially infinite coverage -- but not at all limited to peer reviewed or even published, just sources related to an academic publisher or location.
A nationally recognized expert on cognitive development, Dr. Newcombe’s research has focused on spatial development and the development of episodic and autobiographical memory. Her work has been federally funded by NICHD and the National Science Foundation for over 30 years.
Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology, Anxiety Disorders and their Treatment, Computer-Assisted Mental Health Services for Youth. Dr. Kendall is an active researcher, scholar, and clinician. His CV lists approximately 800 publications, including over 35 books and over 20 treatment manuals and workbooks.
Alloy is the author of over 350 scholarly publications, and is in the Top 1% of Most Cited Authors in Psychology. She serves on the editorial boards of many clinical psychology journals. Curriculum Vitae. Website. Alloy, L.B., Nusslock, R., & Boland, E.M. (2015).
indexes articles from the journals that are most looked at and cited by researchers in the sciences and social sciences. contains citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, technical reports and dissertations in psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines.
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection includes full-text journals covering topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
Applied Cognitive Psychology * deVries, K.J., Booth, J.L., Young, L.K., Barbieri, C.A, Garfield, E.M., & Newton, K.J. (2022). Using worked examples as a scalable practice for teaching fraction magnitude and fraction computation.
This ninth edition of Writing Papers in Psychology provides frameworks, tips, guidelines, and sample illustrations for college students who are writing research reports or literature reviews that are expected to conform to style recommendations of the American Psychological Association.
Episodic Memories Predict Adaptive Value-Based Decision-Making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication. Prior research illustrates that memory can guide value-based decision-making.
Selected Publications. Vincent, W. (in press). Evaluation of several psychological distress questions as a singular screener during a global crisis in a national probability survey in the United States and applicability to future crises. Psychiatry Research.