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Diamond Research Scholars - Undergraduate Studies

The application for the 2025 program is now OPEN with a deadline of February 3rd, 2025. Program Description. The Diamond Research Scholars Program provides Temple undergraduates the opportunity to engage in a focused, mentored research or creative arts project during the summer and fall.

High School Summer Media Program | Klein College of Media and ...

Explore Your Future Now. Experience what it’s like to study media and communications with Klein College’s pre-college summer workshops!. Summer college programming is for students entering grades 10, 11 or 12, and will offer students a chance to experience Temple University academics while exploring potential college majors.

+1 Bachelor's to Master's Accelerated Degree

Requirements. The +1 Bachelor’s to Master’s Accelerated programs allows eligible undergraduates to enroll in graduate-level courses during their junior and senior years.

Free Tax Preparation Assistance Available at Temple Ambler

Temple Owls know a little something about supporting their communities. In 2023 alone, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offered at Temple University Ambler and Temple Main Campus has claimed about $500,000 in federal and state tax refunds for their clients. The expertise and guidance the VITA assistants are able to give is all provided with no expense to the individuals and ...

Graduation Ceremonies Schedule | Temple University Commencement

Schedule of Spring School and College Graduation Ceremonies School/College. Date. Time. Location. University Commencement: Wednesday, May 7, 2025. 9:30 a.m.

Pharmaceutical Sciences BS < Temple University

Overview. The Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences is designed for students who are planning to obtain both a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree in seven years. It provides a solid science foundation and broad liberal arts education while preparing students for careers in the areas of research/laboratory work, quality control, and ...

Schools and Colleges < Temple University

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Recreation Therapy MS Required Courses | Temple University

Program Requirements. General Program Requirements: Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 36 for those who hold NCTRC national certification (see Course Sequence A). 36 plus 3 credits of Recreational Therapy-specific leveling coursework for those without NCTRC national certification (see Course Sequence B).

Elvis Wagner - College of Education and Human Development

Biography. Dr. Elvis Wagner explores the teaching and testing of second language oral communicative competence. Currently, his primary research focus is an examination of how second language (L2) listeners process and comprehend unscripted, spontaneous spoken language, and how this type of language differs from the scripted spoken texts learners often encounter in the L2 classroom.

Accelerated 4+1 - Fox School of Business

4+1 candidates must meet the following guidelines for admissions: Possess a minimum GPA of 3.25 in at least 45 credits of coursework. Apply in the spring semester of sophomore year.