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Gardens | Ambler Arboretum | Temple University Ambler Campus

DOWNLOAD AN AMBLER ARBORETUM VISITOR MAP (PDF). text version. The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University is a 187-acre-site that encompasses the Ambler Campus.

Cultural Analytics Certificate (Graduate) | Temple University

Graduate Certificate in Cultural Analytics. Examine cultural objects using an array of computational methods with the Graduate Certificate in Cultural Analytics in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University.Also known as “digital humanities,” cultural analytics combines coding, computer science, statistics and other methods to study modern culture in digital form.

Marina Angel - Temple University Beasley School of Law

“Professor Marina Angel is a prolific legal scholar who has achieved outstanding professional excellence, distinguishing herself among law school professors and researchers nationwide for her ground breaking legal scholarship in areas vital to the equal participation of women in society, including legal education, juvenile justice, gender studies, and comparative law.”

DPT Curriculum - Temple University

Plan of Study Grid; Year 1; Summer I Credit Hours; PHTH 8101: Introduction to Physical Therapy 1: 1: PHTH 8102: Teaching, Learning, Group Dynamics 1: 2: PHTH 8103

Linkage | CST Postbacc Pre-Health Program | Temple University

A linkage agreement is a formal contract between the Temple University Postbacc Program and a health professional school that allows exceptional students with a strong interest in that school to accelerate the application process.

Group Fitness | Campus Recreation | Temple University

Group Fitness Studio Policies. Patrons assume all risk associated with participation in group fitness sessions. Patrons must adhere to posted capacity limits for all group fitness sessions.

Application Status | Temple University College of Education and Human ...

Undergraduate. The TUportal allows you to determine if required application documents are still needed from you, monitor the status of your application and view your admission decision. Graduate. Track your application status on your MyTU account to determine the progress of your application. You will be notified via email once an admission decision is made.

Health and Well-being Division | Temple University

Find the support you need to be your best self. Temple’s Health and Well-being Division includes the following units that offer a vast selection of holistic care ranging from general education on mental, physical or sexual health to individual counseling to crisis support and more.

Actuarial Science BBA < Temple University

Overview. Located in the Department of Risk, Actuarial Science, and Legal Studies, the Bachelor of Business Administration in Actuarial Science provides students the opportunity to develop a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics while being exposed to a wide range of business disciplines. Temple's Actuarial Science program is designated as a Center of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) by ...

Orthodontic Internship - Kornberg School of Dentistry

Dental Excellence Programs at Temple Dental Dynamic opportunities for learning and practice Engagement with patients and communities Practice the future of dentistry!. The Orthodontic Internship program at Temple University’s Kornberg School of Dentistry offers the opportunity to build knowledge in orthodontics through a curriculum that balances clinical and didactic methods.