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Civil Engineering MS - Temple University

Master of Science in Civil Engineering. In the Master of Science in Civil Engineering program in the College of Engineering at Temple University, you will master the skills needed to build and maintain the infrastructure of the modern world—including airports, bridges, canals, dams, highways, roads and tunnels—and also develop the geotechnical and structural analyzation skills required for ...

CPH Health Informatics PhD Admissions | Temple University

How to Apply. Apply using our graduate application portal.. To apply for the Health Informatics PhD program, you must have a bachelor’s degree. Though a master’s degree specifically in health informatics or computer science is not required, preference is given to applicants who have backgrounds in the health sciences and informatics, including data science, epidemiology, health ...

Katz MD Curriculum - Temple University

Course List; Code Title Credit Hours; Phase 1 - Year 1: MEDS M010: Transition to Medical School: 0: MEDS M107: Doctoring 1: Introduction to the Culture and Practice of Medicine

Contact | Graduate Medical Education | Lewis Katz School of Medicine

3322 N. Broad Street Medical Office Building, 1st Floor Philadelphia, PA 19140. Phone: 215-707-1800

Music Education Major - Temple University

Bachelor of Music in Music Education. The Bachelor of Music (BM) in Music Education degree in the Boyer College of Music and Dance at Temple is designed for future educators with a desire to inspire artistic appreciation, instill knowledge and encourage skill building for future music students.Over four years, Music Education majors prepare to enter the teaching profession with a knowledge of ...

Online Programs | College of Public Health | College of Public Health

Temple University College of Public Health Bell Building (TECH Center), 3rd Floor 1101 W. Montgomery Ave Philadelphia, PA 19122 United States

Experience Temple Day - Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Join us for Experience Temple Day Congratulations on being admitted to Temple! We’re so excited for you to join our community. Now, it’s time to take it all in at Experience Temple Day, your exclusive opportunity to explore every corner of Temple’s Main Campus in person.

Clinical Psychology - College of Liberal Arts

Goals of Clinical Psychology. The goals of the clinical psychology PhD training program are: Develop clinical psychologists who have a broad understanding of the knowledge base and theoretical and methodological foundations in psychology, and more specifically, in the field of clinical psychology.

International Students - Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Find out what the application process is like for international students. Who is an international student? You’re an international student if you are not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.

Theater-Playwriting MFA - Temple University

Master of Fine Arts in Playwriting. Develop and refine your voice as a writer—and gain the skills you need to sustain a life in the arts—with the Master of Fine Arts in Playwriting at Temple's School of Theater, Film and Media Arts.With the vibrant Philadelphia theater community as a backdrop, students in the Playwriting MFA program undergo rigorous training in the craft of storytelling ...