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Computational Data Science MS | Temple University

Master of Science in Computational Data Science. Extract knowledge from big data with the Master of Science in Computational Data Science in Temple’s College of Science and Technology. You can enroll in the 30-credit-hour degree program as a part- or full-time student.

Temple undergrads are launching research careers through an innovative ...

“I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for the program,” is a common sentiment shared by the Temple students who participate in the Fels Biomedical Research URM Undergrad Program (FELS-BR-U2).From studying genes linked to cancer to examining the relationship between race and health outcomes, to unveiling basic cellular mechanisms, the program’s participants are conducting impactful ...

Facilities Planning MS - Temple University

Master of Science in Facilities Planning. Advance your knowledge and expertise in managing various architectural buildings and spaces with the Master of Science in Facilities Planning in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University. In this 30-credit graduate program, you’ll focus on architectural planning and professional practice methodologies that will prepare you for ...

About IDEAL | Temple University Institutional Diversity, Equity ...

Temple University has long been known for the distinct strength of its student body. In Philadelphia, Temple Owls have always been recognized as hardworking motivated and self-starting students from all backgrounds who make the most of every opportunity and take pride in the accomplishments they've achieved.

Music MA - Temple University

Master of Arts in Music. The Master of Arts in Music in Temple’s Boyer College of Music and Dance is specifically tailored to prepare graduate students for doctoral programs in music disciplines such as composition, music history and music theory, as well as teaching careers in higher education. The Music MA is also ideal for students who perform professionally and who wish to pursue ...

Current Students - School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management

Resources for Current Students Students in Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM) have access to personalized services to enhance their career development and navigate the admissions and enrollment process. Center for Industry Engagement The Center for Industry Engagement (CIE) at STHM bridges the gap between the classroom and the real world […]

GR Application Management Portal - Temple University

If you are applying for graduate study at any of the following Schools or Colleges, please use the links below to navigate to their application.

Temple University Commencement

Purchase your cap, gown, hood and tassel from the bookstore to wear at Commencement.

Engineering Management MS - Temple University

Master of Science in Engineering Management. Combine engineering theory with practice and advance from team member to team leader with the Master of Science in Engineering Management, an interdisciplinary program combining coursework from Temple’s College of Engineering and Fox School of Business.This highly flexible, 30-credit graduate degree, which is part of the Department of Engineering ...

School of Pharmacy

Meaningful research opportunities are limitless. Temple is designated by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education in the R1 category (“highest research activity”) - placing us in the top four percent of universities and colleges in research productivity nationwide.