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Appointments - Student Financial Services

The Office of Student Financial Services offers virtual and in-person appointments Monday–Friday. We recommend scheduling your appointment through the Qless app, which is free to download from the App Store or Google Play store.

Summer Research Opportunities | Temple University College of Science ...

Summer 2022 opportunities posted as received and listed by application deadline; visit page often to learn about new opportunities. CST’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program (URP) (Deadline 1/10/2022)

Our Newsletter - The Hope Center

Subscribe to our newsletter for updates, resources, and inspiration—as well as the occasional GIF!. Read our most recent newsletters:

Mathematics Major - Temple University

Mathematics Major. Attain lucrative algebraic, analytic and numerical skills with the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in Temple’s College of Science and Technology. Graduates of this degree program can serve in a number of professional roles, including actuary, business analyst, database administrator, researcher and statistician.

Academics - Temple University

Temple offers thousands of courses available from early mornings to evenings and weekends. Broaden your intellectual horizons with general core courses and challenge yourself with more advanced, specialized offerings and research opportunities.

Horticultural Therapy Certificate < Temple University

Overview. The Certificate in Horticultural Therapy, offered by the Department of Architecture and Environmental Design (AED), is available to all undergraduate degree students and non-degree-seeking students.Consult an academic advisor about how the required courses fit into academic and career plans. The majority of courses are offered on the Ambler Campus.

C2P2 - Competence and Confidence: Partners in Policymaking

C2P2 2025. Training for parents of children/young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or autism and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or autism, providing up-to-date information, leadership training, and skill building.

Candice Savage | College of Public Health | College of Public Health

Temple University College of Public Health Bell Building (TECH Center), 3rd Floor 1101 W. Montgomery Ave Philadelphia, PA 19122 United States

Undergraduate - Temple University

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Temple University Undergraduate Bulletin.Inside, you will find tools to help you map your academic plan and complete your college degree. There are numerous resources in this Bulletin, including:. A searchable database of more than 4,000 undergraduate courses;

Educational Leadership EdD - Temple University

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership. The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program in the College of Education and Human Development prepares graduates to become effective administrators and visionary leaders. Students learn the skills required to lead organizations, manage change, and apply research and theory to real-world problems.