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Catering - Gateway to Finance

Catering. Cherry & White Catering Company is Temple University’s campus partner and approved caterer. They must be used for all university-funded food and beverage purchases for on-campus events, meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.

Counseling Psychology MEd < Temple University

Internship: Following the practicum, students are required to complete a 600-hour internship over two semesters, with 280 direct client contact hours completed at a training site approved by the program. Students in the Mental Health Counseling concentration complete their training in a community mental health setting, while those in the School Counseling concentration complete their training ...

Music Education PhD - Temple University

PhD in Music Education. Develop university-level music teaching skills and research experience with the PhD in Music Education in the Boyer College of Music and Dance at Temple.This 60-credit doctoral degree is tailored to help music educators achieve advanced skills in research methods and teaching expertise.

Advising | College of Public Health | College of Public Health

Temple University College of Public Health Bell Building (TECH Center), 3rd Floor 1101 W. Montgomery Ave Philadelphia, PA 19122 United States

Geographic Information Systems Certificate (Graduate)

Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems. Gain a thorough introduction to an array of cutting-edge spatial analysis technology and mapping software with the Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems in Temple’s College of Liberal Arts. This 12-credit graduate certificate program introduces students to the software used to query, analyze and visualize spatial data.

Dance MA - Temple University

Master of Arts in Dance. Integrate the cultural, creative and educational studies of dance with the Master of Arts in Dance in Temple’s Boyer College of Music and Dance.This research-centered, 30-credit graduate degree prepares students for an array of professional dance opportunities.

TFMA Music Theater BFA Auditions - Temple University

Audition Requirements. Students interested in the Musical Theater BFA must audition. Temple University’s Theater Department adheres to the Official College Musical Theater Common Prescreen (MTCP) criteria.

Programs and Services | Institute on Disabilities | Temple University ...

Temple University Institute on Disabilities Ritter Annex 4, Room RA 430 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19122 United States

Requirements | Lewis Katz School of Medicine | Lewis Katz School of ...

Students must meet all the following requirements: A completed CASPA application, including all required records and materials, by the January 15 due date.; Complete the supplemental Temple University Graduate Application and pay the non-refundable $60 application fee by January 15. Your CASPA application will not be considered complete without this application.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinic - Center for Tax Law and Public Policy

Temple Law Center for Tax Law and Public Policy 1719 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-7861