The provost is the chief academic officer at a university. In this position, the provost works closely with the president, vice presidents, deans, vice provosts, faculty and students to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the university.
This page lists scholarship opportunities offered for new incoming students at Temple. New students can also utilize ScholarshipUniverse to continue the scholarship search.
Industry Partners Partner with STHM through customized educational programs, inventive consulting projects, finding creative new talent and more. Future Students Discover how an STHM education opens you up to a world of opportunity in growing, exciting industries. Moving Education Innovation Forward Established in 1998, The School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM) has a […]
Geology Master of Science. In the Geology Master of Science in Temple’s College of Science and Technology, you will gain a broad understanding of the geological cycles while completing research in your selected field of study.. Research & Field Experience. Advanced courses and research areas in the program include. geochemistry, including nanomineralogy, planetary geology, soil contamination ...
Civil engineering makes modern life attractive, convenient, safe and comfortable. From contsructing spacious and comfortable buildings to designing roads that are efficient and safe, ensuring that there is plenty of clean water and strengthening our bridges, civil engineers build society.
Explore in-depth and current issues through a select group of courses. Pursue a graduate certificate as a pathway to continued study in a master's degree.
The Center for Academic Advising and Professional Development in the College of Science and Technology helps you navigate New Student Orientation, advises on specific degree programs and courses, provides guidance post-graduation, and offers peer support. You can also be matched with a qualified student advisors and advocates who will further assist with degree and academic questions or concerns.
Master of Science in Architecture. Advance your professional practice with the Master of Science in Architecture at Temple University’s Tyler School of Art and Architecture.This post-professional, 30-credit graduate degree program is designed for students who have already earned a bachelor of architecture or master of architecture degree and want to engage in forward-thinking design research.
Contact the following faculty for more information about the Information Science and Technology BA and BS degrees. Gene Kwatny is a professor and the vice chair of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences. He is also the director of Computer and Information Sciences undergraduate programs.
Equipment Office. The Equipment Office houses some of the most up-to-date and top-of-the-line production equipment such as: Arri Amira with 4444 License